Is Music can heal your Pain ?

"Music is the best friend who always is with you" 

Friends come us in our life some individuals left you and a few attempts to stay either as a best buddy or for some time but should you make music as your best friends its consistently with you by listening music you can cure your pain, sometimes some songs inspire you and cause you to feel comfortable and relax.

Music is the best thing to prevent the everything which makes you feel sad and it protects you from sadness, depression and loneliness, these things try to split your spirit from inside and make you thinking from positive to negative and then negative ideas and much more coming around you that is the bad effect.

"Live life adore with Rythm" 

I really like music enough to integrate audio healing into my clinic, and that I see the pleasure it brings people every day. But, here are some things you may not know about the energy in songs:

1) When we listen to music our mind releases signs which are a feel-good chemical necessary for the healthy functioning of the central nervous system; it's impacts on emotion, perception and movement.

2) Music is known to physiologically affect heart rate, breathing and heartbeat resulting in physical chills of pleasure. A study was undertaken by Dr Mike Miller of Baltimore, who quantified the effects of music on the cardiovascular system by measuring blood vessel dimensions before, during and after music playing. When a patient enjoyed the music playing, the blood vessels relaxed and opened up.

3) Happy lyrics help us to think favorably. "Walking on Sunshine" anyone?

4) Music raises mood, reduces stress, raises motivation and helps combat sleeplessness and depression. A current study by Stanford University shows that depressed patients get self-esteem and their disposition improves after music therapy.

5) Music can trigger associated memories of transporting you back to special occasions. Billie Holiday always reminds me of my Nana -- good times.

Fabien Maman, a musician and acupuncturist, devised the Tama-Do Academy based on his extensive research that showed that human blood cells respond to sound frequencies by changing colour and shape. His findings reveal sick or rogue cells can be treated or harmonized with noise.

"I don't sing because I am happy; I'm happy because I sing." -- William James

7)Music allows you to Happier: In the time of listening occasionally we overlook everything and drop deep inside the audio that there is nothing far more significant than music beats that make you feel happier.

8) Music enhances running power: while doing a morning walk keep a headphone with you and perform a soft audio which will enhance the running power rate high which feels you new and much more fit and powerful

"If individuals take anything from my songs, it needs to be inspiration to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don't back down." -- Eminem

9) Music lowers the stress and assists in boosting your health: To stay calm and healthy through a stressful day, turn to the radio. Be sure to sing along and tap your feet to the beat to find the maximum recovery advantage.

"I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It is something we're all touched by. No matter what culture we are from." -- Billy Joel

10) Music will help you sleep better: In case you are having trouble sleeping, try listening to some small soft music using low sound then you definitely get a fantastic sleep.

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." -- Berthold Auerbach

11) Music helps you to not go in depression: If you feel low, put on some classical or meditative music to raise your spirits.

"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." -- Maya Angelou

12) Music reduces Pain: Bob Marley was right about this one -- listen to music you like to take your pain away.- Bob Marley

13) No matter whether you're an adult or a child, if you would like to boost your verbal skills, consider taking music lessons!

"Music is to the soul what words are to the mind." -- Modest Mouse

14) Music makes your mind healthy:"Music is the true breath of existence. We consume so we will not starve to death. We sing so we could hear ourselves " -- Yasmina Khadra

15) Music raises IQ & Academic performance:"Music can change the world because it can change people." -- Bono



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