How to be a real and true friend ??

Few Important facts which help to be a real friend:-

How much do you really know about your best friend? Test your knowledge and be sure to tag your bestie if you can answer all these questions.

Their NickName:-

If you didn’t make your best friends nickname for them by now, are you really worthy of 'best friend' status? Agree or disagree.

Their favourite dessert:-

You should your best friends want to eat. His/Her Likes dislikes you have to care about that while going on lunch or dinner.

Their favourite sport:-

If you and your bestie were not present or bunk the class you must know where to find him. So you should know your bestie favourite sports so it may easy to find out.

What music your bestie loves a lot?

Better believe and take care of all the things he loves one the thing is music from which he loves the most when he loves to hear, which type of music he wants to hear and so on.

How many siblings in their family?

You should know about your best friend family especially how many siblings your bestie have.

Coke or Pepsi?

You should know what he likes in drinks if coke or Pepsi.

Their dreams:-

As your best friend, I take full responsibility for supporting you in all your ambitions. You should know each other dreams.

Their current crush:-

Knowing your best friend crush to whom he likes.

Dog or cat?

Your bestie loves the animal or any type of allergic issue with him/her or he didn’t like animals.

Their birthday:-

How can you plan a rockin' party for them if you don't have this figured out??

Outdoors or Indoors?

What he likes when he is free outdoor or going for some adventures

Their dream vacation place:-

You should know that where are your best friends dream place.

A Favourite place to shop:-

If you go shopping with your best friend you must know about the brands or the place he

likes to purchase everything.

Their favourite colour:-

C'mon if you don't know this one, can you really be considered their best friend?

Apple music or Spotify?

How else are you going to create the PERFECT playlist for your bestie?

Night owl or morning person??

You should know either he loves sleeping or not. So if you have any work then you must know that what you have to do.

Does he/she foodie?

You must know that your bestie loves the food or not. You must take care of the taste
and everything.

Their level of love for coffee:-

When your bestie comes to meet a family as u know he is the coffee lover, you gotta keep
ready 2 to 3 cups of coffee to drink with him.
Their favourite food:-

Suppose! Your best friend is having a bad day. You have to take such a food he loves to eat you must know from where you have to take which will solve all your problems.

Their laughter:-

You have to keep joking with your friends which is just understanding only by your best friends and keep laughing on that joke.

What clothes he likes to wear in his daily routine?

You must know about your best friends lifestyles too.

Their personality type:-

What personality does your best friend have which helps to keep good impressions on others?

Their favourite book:-

You must know each other's favourite books to read.

When they want to be left alone?

Ooooof. This is a hard one. But sometimes a little solitary is good for the soul! You'll be back in step with your friend in no time.

When they need a hug?

So you had a bad day....time to offer a big bear hug in comfort!

Destination wedding?

What your best friend wants to do either destination wedding or not you must be prepared for the future.

Their parents' names:-

If you go to your bestie homes and meet with his family daily or anytime you must know their names and be interactive with her family.

Tickets to the movies or the theatre?

There's no question about that one. You guys HAVE to see that new movie by deciding who is going to book the ticket don’t Fight for the ticket booking with your bestie.

Dream artist to see live in concert:-

Yeah. You know it would be Enrique. Dream come true.
Their best friend:-

In fact, this happens to be YOU!!! Love you bestie.


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